Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day Jitters - Kaela McWherter

First Day Jitters

Try to get to bed early, and when you
Cannot bring yourself to sleep
Rest in bed staring at the ceiling tiles
Wondering if your new roommate
Is feeling the same nerves which of course is true.
You have a random conversation until
Finally sleep overcomes you
And before you know it the most terrifying thing happens:
The Alarm goes off! Frantic and exhausted
You pull yourself out of bed;
Wondering why did summer have to end?
You see the herd of sluggish moving students
Pile into the various rooms trying
To fight off butterflies about what the teacher
Is like and why they foolishly signed up for a morning class
When they could still be in their warm bed dreaming
About the end of dreaded finals week.
As you begin to wake up the sense
Of oh what have I gotten myself into sets in and
You wander around campus like a fawn
Learning to use its wobbly legs.
The day crawls on as you manage your way
From one class to the next and then
Your last class ends! Freedom, or so
You would think as you soon remember:
I have homework and more classes tomorrow.
The non-class aspects of college get you through
The rest of the day as time sprints forward
When one is trying to avoid homework and the realities
Of college life. But it is all fine because at least you
Survived one day.

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